Friday, September 30, 2011

Mark Gungor - Weekend - Friends - Football

Happy Friday.

The weather is going to be PERFECT this weekend. Highs in the mid 60's. Fall boots?


Have you guys heard of Mark Gungor? He is the master mind behind Laugh your way to a Better Marriage. We attended his seminar last night at Buckhead Church and it was incredible. First of all, he is a Preacher. And he talks a lot about s.e.x. And more importantly about the differences in Men & Women (we could not be more opposite). He is HILARIOUS, interesting, (which I love and appreciate in people), and tells it like it is, no-holds-barred advice. He uses words and descriptions you would never imagine would be said in a church setting and he couldn't be more insightful & trutful about common relationship woes. He opened the night with 'ok guys, I know many of you were forced to come here and threatened with no s.e.x if you refused to come...' How spot on was he?! Anyways, I highly recommend his seminars and check  it out if you get the chance. You won't be disappointed.


Hope you have a great weekend! We are hosting a fun dinner party tonight and cheering on the dawgs tomorrow in A-town.

*All Images via my Pinterest

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thank Goodness for Pinterest

Hi there. It's Thursday and I'm hungover at work. Ouch. I also realized I forgot Ten on Tuesdays. Oops.

I've been boring this week and lacked creativity & humor. Maybe I need to look into another DIY aka Epic Failure. Or drink again tonight.

Or, just look at Pinterest. It seriously is so amazing. And addicting. And made for boring people, like myself.  Here is some goodness from this week of pinning...

  Image via here

Love it all. the desk, shutters, lanterns, desk lamp


How creative {& smart} is this? Very fitting for our lifestyle.


In other news, I heard on the radio this morning Ashton & Demi are headed for splitsville??? Per, they spent their anniversary apart & Demi tweeted something weird & philosophical. Maybe BBT will report back to us.


Also, It's bloomingdales Friends & Family. 20% off.  These are in my Brown Bag.


And just because I've been strangely obsessing over fall this year,

Ok, I'm done. Off to get a vitamin water & peanut m&ms.

Hope you've had a good week!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Dear Fall & Football,

I am so happy you're officially here.

You bring a lot to the table...

Cool weather, Pretty leaves, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Football, Tall Boots, Crock Pot Dinners, Bon Fires, Outdoor Dinner Parties.


Thanks for making your debut and even better on a Friday.

Now Football,

Oh how I love you so. We are having a football party and nothing kills a buzz like a losing football team. Not to mention, you're at The Grove so win with grace & style. You can do it.

Hope everyone has a fun fall weekend with your family & friends!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fall Decor Finds

Are you a 'seasonal decorator'?  Do you spruce up your house for the holidays? I don't either. If you do, can we come over?! 

Pinterest via jen wolsey photography

I wish I added a touch or two of something festive and this just may be the year after finding this snazzy Fall Decor...


Are in the mood to festivize (new word?!) your house now??




Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ten on Tuesdays: Bedrooms

A dear friend of mine (J!) told me about someone she knows that writes a blogpost, Ten on Tuesdays, every week listing anything from her favorite things, to random thoughts, to children & family activities.

I thought the idea was brilliant & decided to cyber copy (hope I don't get in trouble!)

So, here goes 10 favorite things...this week Bedrooms:

1. Fun Upholstered Headboards


Tracery Interiors

2. White Bedding


Phoebe Howard

3. Sunburst Mirrors

Phoebe Howard

Phoebe Howard

4. Printed Draperies



5. Matching Bedside Lamps

Barbourn Farm

House Beautiful

6. Grouped Art

Donna Griffith

Phoebe Howard

7. Benches at end of Bed



8. Extra Seating in the Room

Urban Grace Interiors



9. Statement Accent pillows


Atlanta Life & Homes

10. Fun Side Tables



*Sorry for the unknown sources. They have been in my inspiration files forever. If you know the designer or source, send my way*

Ah, can you imagine sleeping in any of these rooms?! Pure bliss. It's obvious when grouped like this,  I have a certain look. Clean, Simple. Little Color. Nothing busy. I also like many of my 'favorites' paired together.

Anyone else have a 'go to' look? Or anyone out there that sleeps in these featured rooms?!

Friday, September 16, 2011

A {semi} Botched Recipe & the Weekend

***Update for 'leg up': Local Atlantans. Bloomingdales is having a denim sale through Sunday. 15% off one pair, 25% off two***

It's the weekend! We are going home for my 10-yr-reunion. I'm sure for many not much has changed in 10 years, but it will be fun to see some old faces. They are honoring us state champ cheerleaders tonight at the football game...I may just have to break out a toe touch and my state ring. Ra Ra Ri! Kidding.

So we had our n'hood supper club last night and I attempted to be fancy per my pinterest addiction and make Cheesecake Bread. I have been known to show up with Chex Mix, so I thought this would be a shocker nice surprise. Who doesn't like croissants, cream cheese, and sugar?! This picture had me hooked.

images via pinterest

Well, i followed the recipe and somehow it turned out like this....

Sugar Sloppiness. The problem: I didn't let them cool long enough after baking. Apparently that is important. Despite my pride, I took them anyways and they were actually a hit. {Go chef catie...eeek lina & bws}


In other news, this weather is amazing. Hope you enjoy the chilliness this weekend.

Elle Decor

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Leg Up for Fall

Fall weather is 'a comin and it's time to stock up on some new pants.

Things that make me want to shake a leg.

For play:

J Brand 11" Mid Rise Skinny Corduroy Pants in Black J Brand Mid Rise Skinny Cords

Blank NYC Denim Pull on Bell Bottom in Twat Not sure I could pull these off but my sis says they are hip...not to mention good price point

  Paige Denim "Verdugo" Legging Pants

 J Brand Low-Rise Cords Skinny Pants

View Product Urban Outfitter Cropped Legging

For work:

 Theory Wool Flannel Pants

Classic café capri  JCrew Cafe Capri

Know of any fall pants we shouldn't do without?

You know I would love to know.